Watershed information
Refuse and Storm Water
Contact us
Refuse and Storm Water
4095 Center Road
Brunswick Ohio 44212
330-558-6825 (billing office)
What is a watershed?
Everyone lives in a watershed!
You have a watershed address. How do you figure it?
- Your watershed address begins with the first named stream or lake that your property drains towards; name all the waterways. Keep following the flowing water until it ends at an ocean.
- Example, watershed address of Medina County Soil and Water Conservation District: Chippewa Creek Headwaters → Chippewa Lake → Chippewa Creek → Tuscarawas River → Muskingum River→ Ohio River → Mississippi River→ Gulf of Mexico → Atlantic Ocean
- Consult maps that contain rivers and streams to find your personal watershed address. Questions: call Medina County Soil & Water Conservation District 330-722-9322
- More information: www.mcconservation.org/what-is-a-watershed.html
- For map: Type your address then use +/- keys to find creeks, streams and rivers https://oepa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html
Information courtesy of the Medina County Soil & Water Conservation District