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Trash and recycling collection guidelines

Refuse and Storm Water

Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc.

On July 1, 2024, Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc. took over as the waste collection and recycling service provider for the City of Brunswick.
They can be reached at 800-201-0005 (ext. 9404).

Trash/Recycle Collection Rules and Regulations

The City shall provide one (1) trash cart and one (1) recycle cart per account at no additional charge to the quarterly billing.  Up to two (2) additional trash/recycle carts each can be obtained for a one-time fee of $55 each.  To order extra carts please call Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc. at 800-201-0005 (ext 9404). You will be billed directly from Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc. for all additional carts.  The bill for additional carts will not appear on your quarterly refuse collection bill.  All carts remain the property of the City of Brunswick and are not to be removed from the premises even if you move.

Although customers are encouraged to recycle using the provided recycle cart, participation is not mandatory.  Any customers not wishing to recycle may call Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc. at 800-201-0005 (ext 9404) and ask that the recycle cart provided be removed from the premises.

ALL MUNICIPAL TRASH/RECYCLABLES (except excluded items) will be collected once a week between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. at the curb or berm of the road.  Items should be placed as close to the road as practical.  Carts are to be placed at the roadway and spaced about three (3) feet apart so the truck’s mechanical arm can avoid obstructions including trash outside of the cart.  Only trash generated by City of Brunswick residents is allowed to be placed out for collection.  Trash generated by non residents will not be picked up.

TRASH MATERIALS must be bagged and placed inside the provided trash cart (black lid) with the lid down.  No cans or carts are to be used that are not provided by the City.   If the trash cart is full or the material is of a size that it will not fit in the cart, it must be bagged and placed near, but not against, the cart.  Bagged material outside of the provided cart (such as leaves and grass clippings) must not exceed 35 pounds each.  The bags must be securely tied and be of adequate thickness.  The maximum additional volume of trash allowed outside of the cart(s) is two (2) cubic yards.  This volume is roughly equivalent to fourteen (14) bags of trash, or 6’ long x 3’ wide by 3’ tall.  Bulk items such as furniture, mattresses and swing sets are in addition to the two (2) cubic yard maximum.

APPLIANCES, BULK OR LARGE ITEMS such as stoves, TVs, washers, dryers, refrigerators, furniture, branches, etc., should be disassembled as much as possible and placed curbside with your regular collection. All upholstered furniture must be wrapped in plastic.

The following items are not to be placed inside of your trash cart or next to the cart:

  • Construction materials such as:
    • Drywall, pieces of gypsum board or plasterboard from building interiors.
    • Concrete, broken or leftover concrete from building foundations, driveways, or sidewalks.
    • Bricks and Masonry, debris from brickwork, stones, or other masonry materials.
    • Roofing Materials, shingles, tar paper, and other materials removed during roof replacements or repairs.
    • Metal Scraps, metal pieces from framing, pipes, or other construction components.
    • Demolition Debris, materials resulting from the demolition of buildings or structures, including large quantities of rubble and waste.
  • Dirt
  • Sand/gravel
  • Hot ashes
  • Tires
  • Paint/Motor oil
  • Flammable liquids
  • Hazardous waste (oil, auto fluids, etc.)
  • Auto parts

REFRIGERATION APPLIANCES: Federal law prohibits the disposal of Freon into landfills.  Freon must be removed by a certified technician   (See “Appliance Repair Businesses” in yellow pages or on the web) who will then label the appliance indicating that the Freon material has been removed.    Appliances not labeled as such will NOT BE picked up by the trash hauler.  (This includes air conditioners and dehumidifiers.)

Bulk or large items such as playground sets, fences, branches, carpeting, padding, etc. should be disassembled or cut into four foot (4′) lengths and bundled with heavy cord.  Bundles shall not exceed two (2) feet in diameter and shall not weigh more than 35 pounds.  All mattresses and upholstered furniture are to be wrapped in plastic.

RECYCLE MATERIALS need to be loose and placed inside the provided recycle cart (blue lid).  Boxes are to be broken down or cut into pieces that fit inside of the cart with the lid down. All recycle materials must be loose in the cart.  No recyclables are to be placed outside of the City provided carts.

The following is a list of acceptable recycle materials:
Aluminum and steel cans
Plastic bottles and jugs
Glass bottles and jars
Cardboard, cartons
Office paper (un-shredded), envelopes and junk mail
Paperboard (like cereal boxes)
Telephone books and catalogs 

  • Please empty and rinse containers before placing in the cart loose.
  • Do not bundle paper and boxes.
  • All material needs to be loose for proper sorting to occur.
  • Do not bag recyclables. Bagged recyclables will be disposed of due to the sorting process. 

The following is a list of items that are not accepted in the recycle program:
Aerosol cans
Aluminum foil
Auto parts
Campaign signs
Clothing, shoes
Drinking glasses, vase and pitchers
Electronic appliances
Electronic waste (batteries, cell phones, computers)
Fluorescent bulbs, light bulbs
Food waste, trash
Garden hoses
Medical waste  (syringes, needles, etc.)
Metal items
Mini blinds
Pizza boxes
Plastic bags (grocery, zip-lock)
Plastic wrap
Pots and pans
Railroad ties/spikes
Used oil or oil containers
Window panes, mirrors, ceramics

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Who pays for the City carts?

The City of Brunswick provides one cart for trash (black lid) and one cart for recycle (blue lid) to each address at no additional charge. All carts remain the property of the City of Brunswick.  If you move, the carts stay at the home.


What are the advantages of City carts?

  • Carts offer a cleaner look for our community than trash cans, bags and loose items at the curb.
  • They are designed for less tipping over in high winds and will not blow away.
  • They help reduce worker injuries and Worker’s Compensation costs.
  • They have a full warranty for 10 years. The lids are permanently attached to the carts.
  • They are designed to keep animals out.


Who oversees cart repairs?

The City has contracted with Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc. for any type of repairs to your cart.  Please contact Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc. at 800-201-0005 (ext 9404) to report lost, damaged or stolen cart(s).


Can I obtain an additional City cart(s)?

Yes, you can obtain an additional trash or recycling cart for $55 each, but they will still be the property of the City of Brunswick.  You can have up to two (2) additional trash carts and up to two (2) additional recycle carts.  You must call Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc. at 800-201-0005 (ext 9404) to order additional carts.  The contractor will bill you directly for the carts requested.  This charge will not show up on your normal trash quarterly bill.


How do I get rid of my hazardous materials?

Please contact:
Medina County Household Hazardous Waste Recycling Center
8700 Lake Rd.
Seville, OH  44273


Where can I place my carts if piles of uneven snow on my curb or parked vehicles are preventing the collection of my City carts?

If you are experiencing these problems, please place your carts three (3) feet apart in your driveway apron between the sidewalk and street for collection.


How do I get rid of construction materials like drywall, blocks, old showers, cabinets?

Those materials must go to a construction and demolition landfill.  Please contact Zollinger’s Construction and Demolition Landfill at 330-855-2464,  Kurtz Bros. at 216-986-7000, or Boyas at 216-524-3620


Is there a special way to position or to place the cart(s) on the curb?

Yes, please place the carts so that the handle is facing the house and the serial numbers are facing towards the street.  This allows the cart to dump properly when the automated arm picks it up.


Can I spray paint my address on the cart?

No. Carts are the property of the City of Brunswick.  Serial numbers will be hot stamped on each cart to verify address locations. Please do not deface the carts.


Is there a limit of carts per household?

Yes. You can sign up for a maximum of two (2) additional trash carts and two (2) additional recycling carts at a one-time fee of $55 each.  Please note, if you move out of Brunswick, all of the carts remain the property of the City of Brunswick even if you move.


At what point am I allowed to place extra bags on the curb outside my cart on my collection day?

Once your trash cart is full, you can place additional bagged trash and yard waste next to the roadway.  There is a maximum amount of waste outside of the cart(s) of 2 cubic yards.  That would be a pile of bags 3’ wide x 3’ high x 6’ long, or approximately 14 bags.


When can I set out my large items such as couches, mattresses, dressers, chairs, tied wood, televisions, doors, storm doors, tied and bundled carpet/fencing, etc., on my collection day?

Weekly on your normal collection day.  They must be three (3) to five (5) feet away from your carts to allow for the automated pickup of your carts.  Large items do not count toward the 2 cubic yard maximum waste volume that can be set out in addition to the carts.

Reminders: trash and recycling cart guidelines
  • Place bagged and tied garbage in trash cart with the black lid for collection.
  • Place trash cart and recycling cart out before 7:00 a.m. on your scheduled collection day, but no earlier than 4:00 p.m. the day before.
  • Please remove your empty cart(s) from the curb by 8:00 p.m. after receiving curb service on your collection day.
  • These curb service violations may be subject to a fine if this occurs.
  • Place all carts with handles facing the home.  Carts cannot be serviced without the handles facing the house.
  • Place carts no more than 3 feet from curb or street.
  • Keep the carts three (3) feet away from all objects such as other carts, hydrants, trees and mailboxes.
  • Place carts 8 – 10 feet from parked vehicles.
  • No trash, yard waste or bags in the recycle cart.
  • Do not put tires inside carts.
  • Mix together all acceptable recyclables loose and place in the recycle cart.
  • Cart lids must be shut with no stacking on top for collection.
  • Do not place contaminated material with your recyclables. They will not be collected.

Whom to call

  • If you have collection-related problems or questions, call Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc. at 800-201-0005 (ext 9404)​ or email refuse collection.
  • If you have billing problems or questions, call 330-558-6825 or email refuse billing.
  • For unresolved collection issues, contact the Service Director at 330-558-6804.

Hazardous waste and appliance collection

Recycling simplified