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Refuse and Storm Water

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Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc.

On July 1, 2024, Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc. took over as the waste collection and recycling service provider for the City of Brunswick.
They can be reached at 800-201-0005 (ext. 9404).

We received a number of calls asking,
“Why wasn’t our trash picked up?”

In most cases, the wrong garbage toter is being used. Either Republic Services delivered the wrong toter or personal cans are being used. Your garbage toter must have “City of Brunswick” stamped on it. No personal cans will be picked up by Kimble. If your trash can is stamped with “Republic Services,” you will need to call Kimble and request a “City of Brunswick” toter. There is a $55.00 charge per toter to be delivered. It will be the responsibility of the resident to call Republic Services for them to pick up their Republic Services toter. If you have more trash bags that cannot fit in the trash toter you are allowed an additional 14 bags every week as part of your services. Also, as a reminder, upholstered furniture must be wrapped in plastic in order for Kimble to pick it up. For any further questions, please call Kimble’s Customer Service number at 800 201 0005, ext. 9404.

Whom to call

Collection related problems

800-201-0005 (ext 9404) for questions or problems about your refuse or recyclable service

Replacement carts or repairs

800-201-0005 (ext 9404) to report lost, damaged or stolen carts, or to obtain up to two additional refuse carts and up to two additional recycling carts

Refuse pickup

330-558-6804 for questions or problems about your refuse pickup, types of trash collected or other non-billing related issues


330-558-6830 for questions regarding how the Equivalent Residential Unit is calculated or other non-billing related issues

Refuse/stormwater billing

330-558-6825 for questions or problems with your refuse or stormwater bill

Online Refuse & Storm Water bill payment

Household hazardous waste

Household hazardous waste will be accepted three days a week at the Central Processing Facility in Seville. Check their website to see what kinds of hazardous waste are accepted.


Refuse pickup is one of two utilities that the City oversees. The other is storm water management.


The City contracts with a private hauler to provide refuse pick-up services for our residents (only) through a competitive bidding process approximately every five years. Business refuse pick-up services are the responsibility of each business. Refuse pick-up and billing is governed by Chapter 1060 of the Brunswick Codified Ordinances.

Required service

In an effort to maintain a clean and sanitary City, this utility is not an optional service. Refuse collection and billing affects every residential household in the City regardless of whether or not refuse is picked up every week. Some exceptions apply so please contact the Refuse Department for more information.

Refuse collection schedule

To learn when refuse collection occurs on your street (and holidays when collection is one day late), click on the Refuse pickup schedule and holidays link in the department menu elsewhere on this page.

Residential rates and billing

Brunswick Residents are billed quarterly (in advance) for refuse pick-up. Payments for this service can be made at Brunswick City Hall, or placed in the dropbox in the parking lot of City Hall. The amount of the invoice is determined as follows:

1060.03(a)(1) Residences. There is a monthly charge to each household for the weekly collection, transportation and disposal of residential solid waste and yard waste. The monthly charge includes each resident’s pro rata share of the contract hauler’s current charge to the City under the contract and a service charge for billing, collecting and managing the monthly charge. The monthly charge shall be billed quarterly in advance. A penalty of eighteen percent (18%) shall be charged on all accounts delinquent in excess of ten days after the expiration of the billing period. (Ord. 44-93. Passed 5-24-93.)

Billing date (approximate)Billing due dateService period
Mid-JanuaryMarch 31January-March
Mid-AprilJune 30April-June
Mid-JulySeptember 30July-September
Mid-OctoberDecember 31October-December

The current refuse amount:  $70.50/quarter ($23.50/month for 3 months).

Waste & recycle carts

The curbside refuse and recyclable collection program is a program utilizing city provided carts. No other containers will be allowed. Any non-city issued carts used will be disposed.

Time requirements

Refuse should be on your curbside no earlier than 4:00 pm the day before, but no later than 7:00 am on your scheduled pickup day. All carts are to be removed from the right-of-way no later than 8:00 pm the day of collection. You can find a listing of City streets and their pickup days in the department menu elsewhere on this page.


Household appliances, air conditioners and water heaters will be picked up on your scheduled collection day provided that certain conditions are met. Appliances containing CFC’s (Freon) must be tagged by a licensed CFC recovery contractor verifying that the Freon has been removed prior to collection. Further, please make sure that all appliances are safe to keep by the curbside and place 3 feet from your City carts.

Yard waste

Tree or hedge trimmings and other brush will be collected on your regular pick-up day. Items should be tied in bundles 4 feet in length, 18 inches in diamater and weighing no more than 35 pounds. Place 3 feet from your City carts.


For refuse and recyclables, see the Trash and recycling collection guidelines in the department menu elsewhere on this page.


Include sod, dirt and rocks, used motor oil, large engine parts, auto or truck tires, building materials, bleach/chemicals, paint, Freon, explosives or flammables in your refuse carts. Please refer to the Trash and recycling collection guidelines in the department menu elsewhere on this page.

Storm water

Brunswick City Council adopted an ordinance establishing Chapter 1050 of the Brunswick Codified Ordinances. This chapter created a Storm Water Management Utility (the Utility) and established equitable rates and charges and an administrative structure to provide for funding the Utility’s programs.

The Storm Water Management Utility service fee is necessary to pay the costs of the Utility’s programs for the operations, maintenance, repair and replacement of the capital facilities of the City’s storm water drainage system, for the planning, design, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement and extension of capital facilities of that system, to provide for the payment of debt service on obligations incurred and anticipated to be incurred for capital facilities of that system and to maintain adequate fund reserves to provide for reasonable expected variations in the collection of service fees, in the cost of providing services, and in the demand for services.

Effective January 1, 2012, each lot of parcel of real property within the City corporate limits shall be charged an Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) pursuant to Chapter 1050 of the Brunswick Codified Ordinances.


View our responses to frequently asked questions here.


Brunswick property owners are billed quarterly (in advance) for storm water fees. Payments for this service can be made at Brunswick City Hall, or placed in the drop box in the parking lot of City Hall.

Billing date (approximate)Billing due dateService period
Mid-JanuaryMarch 31January-March
Mid-AprilJune 30April-June
Mid-JulySeptember 30July-September
Mid-OctoberDecember 31October-December

The average stormwater amount: $14.85/quarter ($4.95/month for 3 months).