Frequently asked questions
Contact us
Parks & Recreation
3637 Center Road
Brunswick Ohio 44212
Taylor Petkovsek
Parks & Recreation Director
Information line
Do you need to know whether a class or game has been canceled? Call the Rec Center's information line at 330-273-8086.
General Questions
Do you have to be a resident to be a member?
No, non-residents can purchase a membership as an Individual (ages 16-59), a Youth (age 15 and under), Family (two 18+ adults and children who all live in the same household), One Parent (one 18+ adult with children in the same household) or senior (age 60+).
Can I walk in and buy a guest pass?
Yes, but guests purchasing a day pass are required to have a photo ID and complete a daily admission sign in. A guest must also wear a wristband given upon payment.
How do you become a SilverSneakers, Active Renew or Silver & Fit member?
Check with your insurance company to see if they provide this benefit. Generally, someone aged 65 and older, on Medicare and has a supplemental insurance may qualify.
What age does senior rate begin?
Regular Senior Membership – Age 60
Silver Sneaker Membership – Age 65 (in most but not all cases) eligibility determined by healthcare provider.
Does a membership include any classes?
Silver Sneaker Memberships include Silver Sneaker Classes only. Other memberships do not include any classes.
What is the definition of family in regards to a membership?
Family is defined as two age 18+ individuals and all under-18 children who must reside at the same residence. An over-18 child can qualify as a child provided they are still a student. Any falsification of information will result in forfeiture of membership fees and revoked membership.
At what age can a child be in the center without an adult?
11 years old.
Aquatic Questions
What age do you need to be in the Hot Tub or Sauna?
No one under the age of 16 is permitted to use the Hot Tub or Sauna – no exceptions.
At what age is it safe for my child to swim without my direct supervision?
Children under the age of 12 need to be supervised by an adult to be in the pool area. Children who require a life vest are not permitted in the deep end and must be with an adult at all times.
Room Rental Questions
Do you have to be a resident of Brunswick or a member of the Recreation Center to rent a room?
No, you do not need to be a resident or member.
Is there a minimum amount of hours that you must rent for?
Monday through Friday there is no hourly minimum, Saturday and Sunday is a 3-hour minimum.
Do you provide the table and chairs?
Yes, we have tables and chairs. Our staff will set up the room and take down also.
Are we allowed to bring in our own food and drinks?
Yes, you are allowed to bring your own food and drinks.
Do you have a kitchen available for rentals?
No. We have an ice-machine that you are welcome to use and also a fridge/freezer if necessary.
Fitness Area Questions
How old do you have to be to use the fitness area?
Children between the ages of 12-15 will be allowed to use the if they are accompanied and supervised by an adult. No one under the age of 12 is allowed in the Free Weight area. No child under the age of 12 will be allowed on the track unless accompanied & supervised by an adult.
How many laps constitute a mile on the track?
Approximately 16 laps comprise one mile if you are in the outermost lane.
How long can I exercise on a piece of equipment?
During busy hours, we ask that you limit your time on a particular piece of equipment to 30 minutes.