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Contact us

Parks & Recreation
3637 Center Road
Brunswick Ohio 44212


Taylor Petkovsek
Parks & Recreation Director

Information line

Do you need to know whether a class or game has been canceled? Call the Rec Center's information line at 330-273-8086.

rec center logo

The Rec Center is hiring

  • Aerobics Instructor.
    Call for more details 216-548-5383
  • WSIs & water exercise instructors. Call the Rec Center for details.
  • Personal Trainer. Contact Mike Karban with Totally Toned Personal Training at 216-548-5383.
  • Certified Silver Sneakers instructors.


The Brunswick Recreation Center offers members an opportunity to get fit for the lowest price in the city. You’ll have no trouble finding ways to stay motivated and enthusiastic about your health with all of the Recreation Center’s offerings.

Your membership includes access to the pool, basketball courts, indoor track, cardio equipment, free weights, and weighted machines plus much more. Looking for a more interactive workout? For an additional fee, try one of our land or water aerobics classes or perhaps a personal training session with Totally Toned Personal Training. After your workout, enjoy some rest and relaxation in our dry saunas or hot tub.

Members also save on aerobics passes, room rentals, party packages and programs. Call 330-273-8000 to speak with one of our front desk staff, or stop by Monday-Friday, 10 am-2:30 pm for a tour and to see what the Rec Center has to offer you.

The Rec Center staff asks that even though masks are no longer required, you continue to socially distance yourself from others.

Masks are not required in the building but are optional.

Extra precautions have been added and ensure constant disinfecting of the facility.

Brunswick Community Recreation and Fitness Center

3637 Center Road
Brunswick, OH 44212


5:00 am-9:00 pm
See pool schedule for swim times

8:00 am-4:00 pm

8:00 am-4:00 pm
Members only 8 am-noon

The pool and front desk close before the building.

Closed holidays.

Keep up with The Current

The Current has information about upcoming events in the parks and at the Rec Center. Sign up for notifications, and we’ll e-mail you when each new issue comes out. Simply click on the button below to get started.