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Parking on City streets


Parking ordinances


The following are a few of Brunswick’s parking regulations. For details and a list of all the parking ordinances, see the Brunswick Codified Ordinances, Part Four, Title Eight.

No parking:

  • on any City street from 2 am to 5 am, every day;
  • on the side of the street that has fire hydrants (cul-de-sacs are excepted);
  • after two inches of snow has fallen, all streets;
  • on Center Road, Pearl Road, Boston Road, Grafton Road, Laurel Road, Sleepy Hollow Road, Carpenter Road, West 130th Street, Hadcock Road, Substation Road or Maxwell Boulevard;
  • on a sidewalk, curb or tree lawn;
  • in front of a driveway;
  • in a fire lane.

If you are issued a parking violation citation, you can admit to the violation by enclosing the fine amount in the envelope provided and mailing it in, or by coming to the Brunswick Division of Police and paying in person. To deny the violation and request a hearing before the Brunswick Parking Violation Bureau, submit a written request within 72 hours of the violation. You may also appear at the Brunswick Division of Police to request a hearing. You may call 330-225-9111 for more information.