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Parks & Recreation Master Plan

The 2025-2030 Parks & Recreation Master Plan is now available. Click here to view the plan in its entirety.

Mission statement:

The mission of the Brunswick Parks and Recreation Department is to improve the quality of life for all Brunswick residents by providing an opportunity for individuals to spend time on leisure, culture, social, educational and recreational activities that encourage health, relaxation, fitness, enjoyment and learning.

The total park system of the City of Brunswick has been created for the use and enjoyment of our City residents and their guests. There are presently 23 park sites for a total of 335 acres. Parks are divided into three categories: community parks, neighborhood parks, and undeveloped open space.

A diverse array of planned activities are scheduled the year around. We enthusiastically encourage all of our residents to participate in these activities. Details of events at the Susan Hambley Nature Center, as well as other locations within the Medina County Park District, may be viewed by clicking on the link to MCPD programs and activities, in the Parks menu on this page.

The benefits of our Parks and Recreation facilities are endless. They provide an accessible place to enjoy nature, improve health, reduce crime and create community pride while preserving property values. The City of Brunswick is fortunate to have a total parks system. Come, visit us often and get more out of life.

Dedicate a memorial tree in a Brunswick park

Planting a tree in a city park is a wonderful way to honor a loved one and to also provide a gift to the whole community.

Visit Brunswick's parks

Our parks vary widely in size and scope, from smaller parks offering play sets to medium parks with game fields and larger parks with lakes and walking trails. See each park along with a map showing their locations.

The Susan L. Hambley Nature Center

The Susan L. Hambley Nature Center is operated by the Medina County Park District, and sits in a beautiful wooded area alongside Brunswick Lake.

The Plum Creek Greenway is a multi-purpose, hiking/biking trail that reaches from Mooney Park to Plum Creek Park. The project is a collaboration between the Medina County Park District and the City of Brunswick.