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Dennis Nevar, Law Director, acts as the chief legal advisor to City Council and City Administration.

His responsibilities include drafting and reviewing all legislation before presentation to Council for adoption. Additionally, the Law Director acts as legal representative in court actions filed by the City or against the City. He also provides legal opinions to Council or Administration regarding matters of law.

J. Matthew Lanier, Prosecutor, represents the City of Brunswick for trials at Medina Municipal Court regarding misdemeanor traffic and criminal violations of the Brunswick Code. Additionally, Mr. Lanier provides legal guidance at Brunswick Mayor’s Court. He also reviews incident reports at the request of individuals or as forwarded to the department by the Police Department for possible criminal charges.

Santo Incorvaia, Assistant Law Director/Assistant Prosecutor, provides legal guidance at Planning, Zoning and other Commission meetings as requested by the Law Director or City Administration. He also assists the Prosecutor at Medina Municipal Court for trials and represents the City as legal counsel in matters as assigned by the Law Director.

Prosecutor authorization of criminal charges

If you are involved in an incident which you believe is of a criminal nature, please file a report with the Brunswick Police Department then contact the Law Department and request that the Prosecutor review the report for criminal charges. If criminal charges are authorized, you will be contacted to sign the complaint. Once the suspect has been served with the complaint, he/she will be  ordered to appear in Brunswick Mayor’s Court.  If the suspect pleads guilty or no contest, he/she will be fined and sentenced at Court and the case is finished. Should the defendant plead not guilty, the case is transferred to Medina Municipal Court and will require your appearance and testimony at the trial.

The Law Department does not provide services or advice to individuals regarding personal legal matters.