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Most commonly asked fire safety questions

Fire and Rescue

Can I open burn in the City of Brunswick?

No. There is no open burning in the City of Brunswick. Fire pits are allowed if you use clean seasoned firewood. 

What is Medicount Management’s (EMS billing) phone number?

1-800-962-1484. Medicount Management is our billing agency for our Fire Department EMS.

What can I do with old gasoline, used oil and old paint?

Please call Medina County Solid Waste at 330-769-0289.

What can I do with my old propane cylinders?

All propane cylinders must be returned to a vendor which sells propane. Medina County Solid Waste will take them on designated clean up days. Please see their website for details.

Can I shoot off consumer fireworks (class C) in the City of Brunswick?

No. Fireworks are prohibited in the City of Brunswick.

Does the Fire Department refill fire extinguishers?

No. You can reference the yellow pages to find a certified company who can fill your extinguisher. Most residential extinguishers are disposable.

If I live in an apartment type building, can I have a flame-producing type grill or an open flame device such as tiki torches?

No. Charcoal burners and open-flame cooking devices shall not be operated on combustible balconies or within ten (10) feet of combustible construction.

Can I fill my swimming pool from the fire hydrant?

Yes. You must pick up a Cleveland water application at the fire station. You must have your own equipment. You must take the application to Cleveland Water, pay their fees and pick up the permit. The fire hydrant has to be inspected by the fire department before and after use. Fire hydrant must be on the same side of the street.

Can I throw my fire extinguisher in the garbage?

Yes. First it must be discharged safely outside. No charged cylinder can be put into the garbage. You can call any fire extinguisher company listed in the yellow pages for recycling.

Where can I take a CPR or first aid class?

You can find a CPR class by calling the American Red Cross or American Heart Association.