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4095 Center Road
Brunswick Ohio 44212


Todd Fischer
Finance Director

Awards, Achievements & Accomplishments


  • The finances of the City of Brunswick continue to improve each year. 2024 marked the fifteenth consecutive year that the City not only balanced its budget but saved for future infrastructure projects or potentially to add a few additional employees in 2025.


  • Completed and released the 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.  This report was audited by Zupka & Associates and the City of Brunswick received an “unqualified” opinion.  An “unqualified opinion” is the best opinion one can receive.  The City also received our 41st Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award from the Government Finance Officers Association.


  • Compiled the 2025 budget, which balances being fiscally responsible while addressing much needed infrastructure projects.  The 2025 Budget has also been set up to provide the best possible services to its residents, businesses, and visitors.  The budget document is quite extensive, very detailed and is available on the City’s website (  This budget document includes a click and link table of contents to specific areas and is user friendly, informative, and transparent.
  • Continued to improve and expand upon the City’s investment portfolio. 2024 marked the second time in our history that the City’s interest revenues exceeded $1 million. During 2024, the City blew those records out of the water by collecting and receipting $3,767,903 of interest receipts in the General Fund.


  • On March 21, 2024, the City closed on the $12,000,000 Fire Station Improvement Bonds. The proceeds of the bonds are being used to construct, furnish, equip a new centralized fire station at 1094 Hadcock Road.


  • On February 28, 2024, Moody’s upgraded the City of Brunswick’s issuer and general obligation limited tax ratings to Aa1 from A2. The increase in rating is mainly because of the prudent financial management and improving reserves and liquidity over the past 15 years. The City of Brunswick is very pleased that Moody’s has recognized these improvements and have upgraded the City’s rating to a higher credit worthy category.


  • Updated and amended the City’s Fund Balance Reserve Policy in December of 2024 to further strengthen the City’s financial position and better prepare for fluctuating or unpredictable financial situations in the future.