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RV registration


Contact us

4095 Center Road
Brunswick Ohio 44212

330-558-6830 phone
330-273-8036 fax

James Urankar
Chief Building Official

Robert Kirkpatrick
Electrical Inspector

Drew Flood
Building, Property Maintenance/ Zoning Inspector

Mark Neuendorf
Property Maintenance/ Zoning Inspector

Greg Coates
Property Maintenance/ Zoning Inspector

Jennie Lods
Planning & Zoning Coordinator

Taylor Hernandez
Building Department Secretary

Recreational Vehicles: Parking and storage regulations – Ordinance 55-11

Vehicle defined: Any recreational vehicle commonly termed as a camper, boat, boat trailer, trailer or recreational vehicle/trailer of any type not in excess of forty (40) feet in length. Review Ordinance 55-11; Property Maintenance Code Section 302.8.2 for further clarification of the rules and regulations.


Permitted parking/storage

Side/rear yards (non-corner lot)

  • One (1) vehicle up to 40 feet in length may be parked in the side or rear yard of a residential property. An additional vehicle up to 20 feet in length may be parked in the side or rear yard.
  • Parking or storage in the side or rear yard shall be no closer than five (5) feet to any lot line unless approved by the CBO and with the written consent of the owner of the neighboring property.

Side/rear yards (corner lot)

  • One (1) vehicle up to 40 feet in length may be parked in the side or rear yard of a residential property.
  • Parking or storage shall be no closer than 15 feet from any public right-of-way and no closer than five (5) feet to any lot line.


  • One (1) vehicle up to 25 feet in length is permitted year-round on the driveway.
  • One (1) vehicle up to 40 feet in length is permitted seasonally from April 15th through November 1st.
  • Vehicle must be parked as close to the garage or residential structure as possible and be located at least 20 feet from the dedicated right-of-way.


Applicable to all vehicles:

  • A vehicle may be temporarily parked on a driveway for loading/unloading purposes for no more than 72 hours every ten consecutive days.
  • A vehicle must be parked on an approved surface, effective October 26, 2012.
  • All vehicles must be kept in good repair and display a current year’s license or registration.
  • No vehicle can be used for living, housekeeping, or storage purposes.
  • Owner of the vehicle must be a resident of the residential property.
  • Guests may park on a residential property up to seven days every six months upon registration with the city, provided another vehicle is not parked or stored on the property.
  • Vehicles cannot be connected to electricity, water, gas or sanitary sewer facilities except for maintenance activities.
  • Batteries must be disconnected on all vehicles stored from November 1st to April 14th.

Owners must register each recreational vehicle annually with the City of Brunswick Division of Building. You can fill out and submit your RV registration form online, or print a paper form which you can mail or bring to City Hall.


Register your RV here:

(Choose one.)