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Property maintenance


Contact us

4095 Center Road
Brunswick Ohio 44212

330-558-6830 phone
330-273-8036 fax

James Urankar
Chief Building Official

Robert Kirkpatrick
Electrical Inspector

Drew Flood
Building, Property Maintenance/ Zoning Inspector

Mark Neuendorf
Property Maintenance/ Zoning Inspector

Greg Coates
Property Maintenance/ Zoning Inspector

Jennie Lods
Planning & Zoning Coordinator

Taylor Hernandez
Building Department Secretary

The City of Brunswick has a Property Maintenance Code. The purpose of the code is to establish minimum standards necessary to make all property and dwellings safe, sanitary, and beneficial to the public welfare by establishing:

  • standards to protect neighborhoods and communities from blighted and deteriorated properties
  • authority to inspect properties and fix responsibilities for owners and occupants of properties, dwellings and other structures with respect to sanitation, repair and maintenance

Outside property: All exterior property shall be maintained clean, safe, sanitary and free from accumulated rubbish. Property, whether improved or unimproved, including tree lawns, must be maintained free of weeds and plant growth in excess of six inches after May 1st of each year. All lawn areas must be properly seeded and maintained on a continuing basis.

Sidewalks & drives: All walkways, stairs, driveways and aprons and parking areas must be maintained free of hazardous conditions. Changes in the level of public sidewalks of between ¼ and ½ inch must be leveled or beveled with a slope of no greater than 1:2.

Vehicles: Parking on lawns is prohibited. No unlicensed vehicle can be stored or disassembled except in an enclosed structure.

Outside illumination shall be so placed as to shield excessive light from neighboring residential properties. Flickering, moving or intermittent lighting is not permitted.

Complaints about zoning violations or property maintenance can be made by calling this department at 330-558-6830.

Click here to view the Code of Ordinances of the City of Brunswick.