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Building codes


Contact us

4095 Center Road
Brunswick Ohio 44212

330-558-6830 phone
330-273-8036 fax

James Urankar
Chief Building Official

Robert Kirkpatrick
Electrical Inspector

Drew Flood
Building, Property Maintenance/ Zoning Inspector

Mark Neuendorf
Property Maintenance/ Zoning Inspector

Greg Coates
Property Maintenance/ Zoning Inspector

Jennie Lods
Planning & Zoning Coordinator

Taylor Hernandez
Building Department Secretary

Adopted building codes


Ohio Building Code (OBC): The OBC applies to the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, maintenance, removal and demolition of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such building and structures except for detached one-, and two-, and three-family dwellings and structures incidental to those dwellings which are not constructed as industrialized units. Exempt from this code are buildings owned by and used by the U.S. government as well as agricultural buildings.

Residential one, two and three family (ORC): The City has adopted the most recent edition of the Ohio Residential Code for One, Two and Three Family Dwellings promulgated by the Ohio Building Officials Association (OBOA) and the International Code Council, Inc. (ICC). If adopted, the City will be enforcing the most recent edition of the code that is promulgated by OBOA.

Inspection requests


To schedule an inspection, please call 330-558-6830 between the hours of 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Inspections require a 24 hour notice, the address of the project site, and a cell phone number. Do not leave requests for inspections on the voicemail.

Utility/accessory buildings, sheds, garages & storage buildings


Permit fee:

Up to 200 sq. ft.$35.00
200-400 sq. ft.$50.00
Over 400 sq. ft.$100.00

Placement (zoning code): Zoning Certificate shall be issued for each structure.

Permitted use: Shall be used only for uses clearly incidental to the permitted principal use.

Attached structure:

  1. Shall comply with the Zoning Code & Building Code for principal buildings.

Detached structure:

  1. Locate in rear or side yard. No structures are to be placed in any easements.
  2. One structure only, may be placed 10 feet from the rear and side property lines, provided it is a minimum distance of 15 feet from the residence. On a corner lot, the structure must comply with the minimum second front yard setback.
  3. All other structures shall be 10 feet from side property line and 25 feet from the rear property line.
  4. Maximum height shall be 15 feet from finished grade to highest peak.
  5. Maximum of one detached garage per lot.
  6. Maximum size:
    1. Garage: 800 square feet.
    2. Total maximum floor area for all detached buildings is 800 square feet.
    3. Total maximum area for attached & detached structures is 20% lot coverage.
    4. Paved driveways are required for all garages.

Building code (for detached):

  1. Use the 2006 Edition of the Residential Code of Ohio (RCO)
    1. Footer is not required for structures 400 sq. ft. or less, with an eave height of 10 feet max. Monolithic slab with integral footing is permitted.
    2. Any structure over 400 sq. ft. shall have minimum 38 inch depth frost wall with footing.

Plans required (200 sq. ft. & over):

  1. One (1) site (plot) plan showing setbacks (and proposed paved driveway, where required) and all structures plus two (2) sets of building elevations, floor plan and cross section to scale at a minimum 1/4 inch to 1 foot.

Drainage courses & roof water:

  1. Existing drainage courses shall not be modified (filled in or diverted) in any way.
  2. Roof water shall be contained on the same property as the accessory structure.
    1. Gutters & downspouts on buildings over 400 sq. ft. shall be tied into storm sewer.

Acc Bldgs Rev 03/26/2013