Government podcasts

Brunswick Area Television


Government Podcasts

Brunswick Area Television has expanded to include podcast services. Recent government episodes can be found below and all episodes are hosted at Brunswick Podcasts. We look forward to welcoming more public podcasts from the Brunswick area!

Funkology: Summer Concert Series Podcast​

Lets get to know the bands that will perform at the City of Brunswick’s Summer Concert Series, 2024! The concerts will take place every Wednesday, 6-8pm on July 3-August 7. Bands include

What’s Going On?​

Curious about What’s Going On in Brunswick but only have a few minutes? This short form multimedia program gets to the point. Carl DeForest and Chris Golian will keep you posted about what you need to know.

Who are you and what do you do?​

Who are you and what do you do? That’s a long name for a podcast, but it says it all. Join Chris Golian as he introduces us to City employees and learns about some of their responsibilities.

A Cup and a Conversation​

Hosted by Grant Aungst, A Cup and a Conversation spotlights business leaders and stake holders in the City of Brunswick, Ohio.

Brunswick Podcasts Episode #100​

BAT is celebrating our 100th government podcast! Chris Golian, Tom Keppler, Ben Staunton, and guests think back on the first 100 Brunswick Podcasts.

Brunswick Podcast Special: Alternative Paths​

Chris Golian is joined by Nikole Hosking, Amie Dunstan, and Megan Phelan, to learn about Alternative Paths. Alternative Paths is a local organization that offers real solutions to help individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders. Watch a video edition or listen to the audio version.

Brunswick Podcast Special: Charity​

Lynnette Ozanich, Kelly Musto and Todd Fischer share the stories of the people and situations that motivated them to get involved with various charities. Hosted by Tom Keppler at the Brunswick Area Television studio.

The Brunswick Income Tax Podcast​

A show discussing relevant information about income taxes in the City of Brunswick.

BAT Public Podcasts is an extension of our Public Access Cable studio. The image above links to podcasts provided by the Brunswick community. Brunswick Area Television offers members free training and facilities to create podcasts. Fill out the form below to get started!