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Frequently asked questions about your cable service

Brunswick Area Television

Who do I call when there’s a cable problem?

For billing and technical support:

877-463-0677 (services)
888-369-2408 (support)


Comments about cable rates or programming:

State of Ohio Cable TV Consumer Hotline

Questions or concerns about ongoing, unresolved billing or service problems:

City of Brunswick
Department of Information and Public Communications

Are cable rates controlled by any government entity?

No. Cable companies are basically free to increase rates as they see fit, without any oversight. There is no longer a local contract in existence between Spectrum or Breezeline and the City to provide services to residents. All video franchising is handled through the State of Ohio, Department of Commerce. While our office is happy to answer any calls from concerned residents, you may also express your concerns directly to the Cable TV Consumer Hotline at 1-800-686-7826, or file a complaint online to We are looking forward to the opportunities for savings for consumers once our second video service provider offers its product to our residents.

Will I need a cable box?

Video Service providers are slowly removing analog channels from the basic tier, replacing them with digital signals. These signals are only available by using a converter box. New digital TVs may not receive these channels either. Under federal law, only the lowest tier, or the broadcast basic tier, must be available without a converter box; however, those regulations are being relaxed. Some consumer based products are available for purchase to avoid the use of the cable box, but you must check with your video service provider to make sure it is compatible with your service.

What kind of problems can the City cable office help out with?

Our office is a good resource if you have an ongoing billing or service problem, and we can normally get your problems resolved in a few phone calls. Programming and rate issues are another story, and we have absolutely no control or input over those.