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Boards and commissions

Vacancy: Board of Building Code Appeals

The City has openings for the Board of Building Code Appeals.

The Board of Building Code Appeals is composed of five board members. A member cannot hold any other incompatible public or private office. Members are qualified by experience and training in matters pertaining to building construction. It is a three-year term. The board hears and decides appeals, and reviews the Building Code on an as-needed basis.

Members must be residents of the City of Brunswick having resided in the City of Brunswick for at least two (2) years immediately prior to the date of their appointment. Appointments shall be made by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council.

Please contact Laura Timura at 330-273-8012 or regarding any interest, or questions about the vacancy.



Vacancy: Financial Audit, Review and Advisory Committee

The City has an opening for a Brunswick Business Owner on its Financial Audit, Review & Advisory Committee.

The Financial Audit, Review & Advisory Committee is an additional layer to ensure the already transparent methods of financial accountability to our residents and to continue to ensure the appropriate and proper expenditure of taxpayer dollars.

The committee should be residents of the City of Brunswick having resided in the City of Brunswick for at least two (2) years immediately prior to the date of their appointment. The committee shall be a non-compensated advisory board. Appointments shall be made by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council.

Brunswick Business Owner Representatives shall serve an initial term of two (2) years to allow for staggered terms and committee continuity.

Meetings are held quarterly. In addition, the committee should meet with the State auditors/independent auditors before and after each audit.

Please contact Laura Timura at 330-273-8012 or regarding any interest in or questions about the vacancy.


Board of Building Code Appeals

The Board of Building Code Appeals is composed of a five member board. A member cannot hold any other incompatible public or private office. Members are qualified by experience and training about matters pertaining to building construction. It is a three year term. The board hears and decides appeals, and reviews the Building Code on an as-needed basis.

Board of Zoning Appeals

The Board of Zoning Appeals is composed of five members serving a term of three years. The board shall have powers to hear and determine appeals from refusal of Building and Zoning permits and to permit exceptions to and variations from the zoning Regulations in individual cases.

The current board membership: Stan Socha, Chairman; Lisa Jackson-Clements, Vice-Chairman; Tom Miller; Vince Carl; and Russell Hopkins.

Board of Zoning Appeals meeting schedule

Three special meetings may be added as needed.

Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission is composed of three members serving for a three year term. The commission prescribes, amends and enforces rules for the classification of Civil Service positions. They govern Civil Service employees in the classified service over which the Civil Service Commission has jurisdiction. They also establish entrance and promotional exams.

Ethics Board

The Board of Ethics is composed of three members to serve for a term of three years. The Board receives complaints against members of council, officers and employees of the City, and members of any board or commission concerning conduct alleged to be in violation of the Charter or ethical standards. The board may submit advisory opinions with regard to questions concerning ethics, conflicts of interest or other matters involving performance of duties. The board may also recommend legislation, and amendments to council relating to standards of conduct.

The City of Brunswick Ethics Board has set the following schedule of meetings for 2022-2023. Meetings are held at Brunswick City Hall.

Ethics Board meeting schedule

Ethics Board Operating Rules & Regulations

Income Tax Board of Review

The legislative authority of each municipal corporation that imposes a tax on income shall maintain a local board of tax review to hear appeals. The local board of tax review shall consist of three members. Two members shall be appointed by the legislative authority of the municipal corporation, but such appointees may not be employees, elected officials, or contractors with the municipal corporation at any time during their term or in the five years immediately preceding the date of appointment. One member shall be appointed by the top administrative official of the municipal corporation. This member may be an employee of the municipal corporation, but may not be the director of finance or equivalent officer, or the tax administrator or other similar official or an employee directly involved in municipal tax matters, or any direct subordinate thereof.

Any person who has been issued an assessment may appeal the assessment to the board created pursuant to this section by filing a request with the board. The request shall be in writing, shall specify the reason or reasons why the assessment should be deemed incorrect or unlawful, and shall be filed within sixty days after the taxpayer receives the assessment. The local board of tax review shall schedule a hearing to be held within sixty days after receiving an appeal of an assessment, unless the taxpayer requests additional time to prepare or waives a hearing. If the taxpayer does not waive the hearing, the taxpayer may appear before the board and may be represented by an attorney at law, certified public accountant, or other representative. The board may allow a hearing to be continued as jointly agreed to by the parties. In such a case, the hearing must be completed within one hundred twenty days after the first day of the hearing unless the parties agree otherwise.

The board may affirm, reverse, or modify the tax administrator’s assessment or any part of that assessment. The board shall issue a final determination on the appeal within ninety days after the board’s final hearing on the appeal, and send a copy of its final determination by ordinary mail to all of the parties to the appeal within fifteen days after issuing the final determination. The taxpayer or the tax administrator may appeal the board’s final determination as provided in section 5717.011 of the Revised Code.

Juvenile Diversion Board

Initiated in 1990 by Brunswick and joined by Brunswick Hills Township and Hinckley Township in 1996, the program is designed to provide juvenile offenders who qualify an alternative to going to Juvenile Court.

The criteria for placement includes:

  • minor offenses, such as damage to property or minor theft
  • all parties have to agree to the placement
  • the offense does not involve alcohol or drugs
  • violence cannot be a second offense

The offender with parent/s appears before the Diversion Board made up of adult representatives from each of the jurisdictions. There is a review of facts and a placement that can include:

  • community service
  • special assignments, i.e. attendance at leadership/responsibility training
  • referral to a mental health agency
  • referral to Juvenile Court


Planning Commission

The City Planning Commission is responsible for the orderly development of the Brunswick community. The Commission reviews site and subdivision plans and conditional zoning applications, and makes recommendations to the City Council on proposed zoning map or text changes.

Like all Brunswick boards and commissions, Planning Commission members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council. The Commission has five members, each serving a three-year term. The voting members are: Joe Shirilla, Chairman; Brad Saeger, Vice Chairman; John Rocha, Recording Secretary; Abbas Hasan; and Jeff Arona. The Commission also includes non-voting members: a member of Council appointed by Council; the City manager or his/her designees; the Community and Economic Development Director; Consulting City Engineer; Planning & Zoning Coordinator; and the City Assistant Law Director.

The Planning Commission typically meets at 6:30 pm on the first and third Thursday of each month in Council Chambers, 4095 Center Rd.

Planning Commission meeting schedule

Adopted 11/16/2023

Agendas for each Commission meeting are published about one week prior to the meeting date, posted on the City’s web site, and are available during Commission meetings. Meeting notices are mailed to newspapers and those requesting a copy. There are additional notice requirements for development proposals requiring a public hearing.

The meeting procedure is as follows. The Chair announces each agenda item and invites the applicants to the front of the room. The staff report is read and the applicants asked to give a brief overview of their proposal. The Chair asks for comments from the board members. The Chair may ask the public for comments during this time as well. After comments are heard, the Commission and applicants discuss the proposal and the Commission votes to take the appropriate action (e.g., to approve with changes, to disapprove, to recommend or to table). There is a more formal comment period for public hearings.

Those attending a Commission meeting have an opportunity to comment on each proposal on the agenda. During the meeting, the Chair may permit a public comment period in which audience members can speak on any topic related to the Commission’s functions and activities.

Volunteer Fire Fighters Dependents Fund

Two members of this board are appointed residents for a one year term. Two members are elected by the Division of Fire and one member is elected by the board. The board has authority to make all necessary rules and regulations for the handling and processing of claims which may be submitted. They also perform other duties as necessary to carry out the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code.